Monday, February 23, 2009

My Man Michael by Lori Foster

My Man Michael has been causing an uproar in the world of romance lovers. Fourth in her SBC Fighter series, My Man Michael definitely takes on a different twist. It doesn't take long to realize this isn't your typical Lori Foster book. Is it enjoyable? Yes! Would I recommend it? In a heartbeat! Is it for everybody? No, but then no book is. All that being said, I give you my review of My Man Michael.

Lori Foster continues her SBC fighter series with My Man Michael, and as usual she has a winner! Although a tad different from her other SBC books, My Man Michael will take you on a ride that you won’t want to forget.

Michael “Mallet” Manchester, upcoming extreme fighter in the SBC has a shot at the championship, the one thing he has spent years working and training for. But a sudden and tragic car accident takes that away. Injured, in pain and depressed, Michael “Mallet” Manchester doesn’t have a clue what he is going to do with his life. Fighting was his life and it will take him a lot of time and effort to even be able to walk so fighting was out of the question. So what is a man to do? What can possibly bring Michael back to the life he loves?

Suddenly out of nowhere, Kayli Raine appears, tougher than most women and Michael is instantly captivated. Thinking his pain medicine is causing hallucinations, Michael doesn’t believe her when she offers him a chance to be whole again. But to even think about having that chance gives Michael the motivation to accept her challenge. What comes next is something he never dreamed of and a story that you don’t want to miss!

Lori Foster continues to enthrall her readers with her fabulous characters and setting so real it’s hard not to feel as if you are in the story yourself. Her outstanding books make her a continuing favorite! Way to go Lori!

1 comment:

Liane Gentry Skye said...

Great review. Running (not walking LOL) to amazon......